It sure is lonely when you think you are the only person awake in your world that understands all this evil, and everyone around you is blind and asleep, and denying GOD.. There really aren't that many of us out here it feels, and it shows. I don't lose hope, but i sure do like to UNPLUG once in a while from the negative LOUD NEWSWORLD..... and experience something more gentle and loving... like music, gardening and the like. I feel GOD would like us to live in balance. That is what was so great about your Jamaica stream.. it was so peaceful and it shone right through you guys, so thanks for that shot of Love Energy!

Hey, I know the Weed Helps, but you two were having a and experience beyond that! Know Doubt!

Thanks for your insights and perspective on things. i have caught you guys showing & teaching things i have never even heard of .... lol and always good info too.

I know we have to get back to the fight, and that is where Gabriel comes in!

How inspiring it is to hear what Gabriel shares with you. It bolsters me up! but also gives us warnings for the future, which never hurts as we try to navigate these confusing waters.....




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Thank you for your kind support and comment and link. These connections are, I think, vital to the Ascension process. My intuition has always been high. In fact it upsets people most times. Thank you.

Love and Light.

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Some of us chose to be here, in this time and place for a purpose. That purpose will be revealed in due time. Until then, listen and have faith.

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