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May 19 is Pentecost Sunday.

Books of Acts be prayfully prepared to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit!!

I was filled on April 8th.. I had been struggling for along time, especially since my oldest son passed … how can God forgive me I can’t even forgive myself for the poor choices I’ve made that negatively affected my boys.

I received the filling of the Holy Spirit driving down I-271 heading to Cleveland. I was listening to a pastor preach on brag on all the great things Jesus has done and does. In the end it wasn’t a normal alter call.. it was prayer to be filled..

so, I prayed the prayer and praised Jesus. Next thing I know I’m crying like a baby speaking a language I do not know but knowing what those words meant.. I am forgiven. Jesus loves me (and all of you) more than you or anyone could love another. So many more things were “downloaded “ to me I don’t even know how to express them.

Praise Jesus! All the glory be to God! Amen!

Sorry I’m not a good writer and hope this makes sense.

Remember!! Sunday may 19 is Pentecost Sunday!!

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