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I’m glad you’re back! You’re a busy lady for sure.

Because of my work schedule I always catch the show about 2am as I make my drive through Ohio, I’m a truck driver, been listening to y’all ever since you were on Josh’s show when you told you’re Gabriel story.

About 15 years ago I had a dream, a very real vivid dream, about GA and TX (I was living in TX at the time) specifically. I was deep in studying the Bible at the time. I’ll have to see if I can find the notebook that I wrote down this dream. Atm I remember in this dream TX and GA were very important. There was a coin that was needed to buy sell trade, it was like representing the mark of the beast. There was an important connection to water, water represents Jesus.. the water of life.

There was a sense of urgency and turmoil. It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about this dream. My best friend at the time (my Bible study partner) insisted it was prophetic.. idk. Life changed drastically shortly after that dream. When I heard your story about Gab visions of my dream have been coming back to me... deep within my soul, my spirit, I know there is a connection between your story and my dream. I’m just not sure what where or how. I’ve not been able to catch your morning Bible reading, I plan to listen (and get caught up) Sunday when I go back to work.. it’s just easier to listen driving my life away (after 25 years of driving truck.. millions of miles, all the life experience I’ve missed.. yeah, I just drive my life away, sadly).

Keep up your good works!

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