From Uriel’s vessel…
This message hurt. I’ve never felt so much anger. I have an adrenaline rush, almost shaking. I felt it for hours today, and then the message came. I hate delivering these but it’s important…
You foolish generation! How dare you mock me with your transgressions. I give you direction and merely a moment goes by and you turn aside again. Why do I bother speaking if you refuse to listen! You lend your ears to the message with your wool stuck in them and find amusement in it but do not harken. You would rather turn your back to your other gods and worship your idolatries than pay heed to my word! You mock my word, you plan your days as if I did not exist. I will show you. I am not here to make peace, you foolish and wicked generation. I will not be silenced any longer by perverse things among you. I will not have my servants ridiculed by those with ears that cannot hear. You have been given great things, but you ignore Me. Foolish foolish backsliding wicked generation….. I will show you.
You would rather polish your weapons than polish your heart. You do not listen. I have loved you and given my servants to spread my word to come to me but you mock it. You find delight in it as if it was one of your picture shows, and you do not harken. Heed my word now!