I have to tell you the first of my dream already. The sky parted and I saw another “planet”. Maybe islands, 3 of them. They had their own clouds and atmosphere, continents maybe. It was like driving up close to the mountains that used to be a hundred miles away.
Can you tell me what JR’s experience was? You said he saw a black orb and it asked him to do something. I hear it, but I have to hear the exact words to be sure of what the “metaphor” is that I’m thinking of.
(JR was in the shower, he saw a large black robed wispy figure who spoke into his mind - said he was Uriel. Said Josh would lead the armies of the east past the crumbling walls of Jericho. And gave him the schematics for the arc of the covenant and showed him how to use it. It is a weapon.)
Jericho is the metaphor. The weapon is the covenant. The journey is the arc.
(So we’re not all taking a field trip to the Middle East? Damn, I’ve always wanted to see it)
Commandeering a ship like a pirate was a part of my visions. Why not go to Jamaica and live on Mt. Zion?
(I’ve already made a deal to go to live on Mt. Zion in Jamaica when this is over.)
I have to remind myself and you, that I will only deliver you. I will not be a part of the new life. You and your 12 will decide where I deliver the ultimate weapon… you and yours. So it is written.
Who, what, where, HOW and why. Justin did the who what and why. I am to finish the how and where. He did all the work creating the “wolfpack.” Didn’t the Bible say that His wolves would consume the rest of the evil? It’s already been written.
I will remove the mountains from their place.
Do not ask me, ask yourself!
Faith will lead you to your “place of milk and honey”!!!!
I played with God in the rain. I said the location has changed and it needs to be prepared for the fire. Have you any idea how long it’s been raining since? When before there was no such thing forecasted?
(I made it through the pysilly abyss. I met God. I learned what it’s like to live without free will. Literally had to ask permission to move my body. Couldn’t speak for hours. It was epic.)
(Shamus the Irish Wolfhound protected me from the evil today. Now I can hear him - Shamus - more clearly. He is going to be freaking bad ass in battle.)
(I just met the last one. Zechariah. I think maybe the time is come?)
What would happen if CERN was sabotaged by vandalism, or if it was hit by a strong pulse from the Sun? Could it become the world’s most powerful EMP?!! The visions I had in my dream, and seeing this video about the electric fields around CERN are eerily similar…
It would start as a small camera flash in the sky, flashing multiple times before it came the size and bright as the moon. Then all the weird shit would start falling from the sky. I called Mic, but his phone was in my hand… as I was talking to him paratroopers fell from the sky but when they landed they immediately sped away as if their feet were motorized wheels, chasing those who scurried. Then a white rabbit like the Trix rabbit, cartoon animation in a cartwheel stance of an X floating down from the sky. Then I realized that there was an advertisement next to me that had the same Trix rabbit, and I knew then it was predicted all along and used for an agenda of the evil ones. Gabriel did say it was going to get weird.
(The time is upon us.)
It has been.
We are here. We all feel it. Remember to give the glory to God… it is His timing.
The Veil will part. The blue sky will reveal our opposite. We wait for the curtain.