The dream about the arrow.
Preoccupied by the parting of the veil, you now know what you saw after… You remember the rabbit?
The rabbit represents a mockery.
The X formation cartwheeling through the air represents an airplane.
The landing of the airplane into an advertisement represents the evil ones’ agenda.
The advertisement was an arrow. The arrow represents the badge that the evil ones swear to.
I have told you before that the evil knows, and will use it to their advantage or wicked agenda.
What will happen will be mixed with God’s Vengeance and the Evil doings of them. It must happen this way for judgement to be righteous.
Those who scurry shalt surely be consumed, by both the sword of man and of Lord God. Those who stand on their stone crowned with their faith shall pass the judgement. Remember is it better to have sinned your entire life and then become faithful to God, than to have lived a life of righteousness and then turn away from Him.
1 by air, 2 by sea and 3 by land they will attack. The 3 prong approach, do not pay heed to their deceit.
You must plant your feet in faith of our Lord God to find your path. Do not stumble, do not turn aside, use your God blessed gift to overcome your adversaries….
The arrow points to your enemy, your heart leads you to God. Trust in Him, He’s the only way. Are you not made in the image of Him and placed here to defeat the enemy within this castle? Stand Tall!!!!