I like these tests, as we get the answers at the end. Though I feel like I did not do as well on this last one as I should have; but the answers teach me as much as the questions.
Who deserves blessings?
Everyone. Those who give blessings to others will often find themselves to be blessed and therefore give it to everyone. The evil chooses not to hear blessings but remember that your blessings to them may cast out the evil spirit and therefore save them. Jesus did just that, and if you are capable of doing greater miracles, let us bless everyone.
What does it mean to be blessed?
A blessing is a gift from your Creator. Every thing around you, even the ground you tread upon is a blessing. A blessing cannot be defined without Lord God unless you perceive it as love. God is love. A blessing is having love from God, to give a blessing is sharing it.
Where do you find blessings?
Everywhere. Look around you, down to the piece of sand on a sea shore.
A place where blessings are more often given?
More often it is to a stranger, a new friend or generally anyone you meet in public. Strange how we rarely bless someone we already know and who is dear to our life, a spouse or family member, our own children or close neighbors. Blessings are given to those we don’t know if they are blessed. Those who are often blessed say it back.
How is a blessing received?
With love. God’s gift is with love and so a blessing is love and you shall receive it the same. Evil has no love and some, if not most will turn away from a blessing for they know not the meaning.
Why is a blessing important?
That is why. You must know the meaning. You must know it comes from your Lord God and it is His gift to you. It’s importance lies in the concept of what a blessing is used for. It is such a simple gift to give but it has innumerable benefits, which we call blessings.
The next test will be given soon.