He who was, who is and will be.
They will attack you about what was done in your life, they will attack you on who you are, they will attack you on who you will become.
How often have you been tested in your faith recently? Do you find people looking at you different?
It is spoken by many that the evil will be at your doorstep, I warned you before. Family friends and loved ones will try your faith, evil will come to light and show itself.
These attacks are indeed tests, but they are real and serve a purpose. You may suffer great wounds from them. Stay strong and remember what your rock is made of and it's own purpose. The anger you will experience causes great sorrow, for the purpose of a sword is to strike the heart. The purpose of an arrow is to penetrate. The purpose of a sling is to make you fall. Slings and arrows and a mighty sword cannot break your rock unless you give into your anger and emotions and seek vengeance. Lies, ungratefulness, deceit, disrespect and a true cursing of you will be made from those around you including those at your doorstep. You cannot give way to anger or hate and cave into their trap. You must love and pray for them. You cannot ascend to your path without a loving and forgiving heart. Do not let the evil penetrate your soul and corrupt your heart.
Many around you will look at you differently. You may have noticed the stares when you enter a room. People will notice that you truly are different, they won't understand your actions or your words used. People are slowly falling further and further away, backsliding into their own iniquities while you are ascending into a better place. As you draw closer to your path, you will be seen and attacked for that reason. While they may not recognize their actions consumed by their iniquities, they will not falter in attempt to cause you to question yourself.
Sometimes the pain is too difficult to bare and some will fall. The sorrow and heart ache can be unbearable especially when the attack comes from those you have loved forever. You will only succeed if you pay no heed to their evil actions and brush them off like the dust on your coat. Pray for them, pray for the very best of them, pray that they love again but leave them behind. Do not carry any burdens with you. As I have said before, it is the thorn in your foot or the pebble in your shoe that can cause your rock to crumble.
Stay strong and remember to love
As I read this, it screams at me of what I have been through the last 3 or so years. I have felt myself rise, yet many have fallen away, including the one I never thought would go. That's the one that devastated me. It's left me lost, off balance, unsure of anything. Now, I am trying to find me again.